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September 2024 Meeting Summary

Hi all,

Thanks for a great September meeting of the Syracuse Urbanism Collective!

At this month’s meeting, we had a letter-writing activity for the I-81 Viaduct Project. Thanks to everyone who sent an email to NYSDOT via to share your support for our project recommendations!

Below are some upcoming events we’re hosting. All can be found on our website calendar:

  • Smart Growth in CNY Conference – All day, Fri Nov 15, McCarthy Mercantile. Buy your tickets here.
  • Urban Wildlife Walk at Onondaga Lake – 1-3pm, Sat October 5. Meier’s Creek Brewery at the Inner Harbor. Sign up here.

Additional events we’d like to encourage you all to attend:

  • I-81 Viaduct Project Open House – 6-8pm, Thurs Sept 26. Upstate Biotech Accelerator.
  • Syracuse Urban Food Forest Volunteer Planting Event – 10am-noon, Sat Sept 28. Corcoran High School- back parking lot. Register here.
  • Run the Redline – 9am, Sun Sept 29. Plaza at the Everson Museum. Register here.
  • Vision Zero Advisory Group Open House – 1-7pm, Mon Sept 30. Salt City Market Community Room. 
  • Current Conversations: Reimagining Public Housing (Blueprint 15) – 5-6:30pm, Mon Oct 7. Salt City Market Community Room.

This month, we had a few project updates to share:

  • Mini Meadows – Last weekend, we had a successful planting event for the Mini Meadows project at Loguen Park. Thanks to everyone who coordinated and volunteered!
  • Creekwalk Wayfinding – We’ll have a volunteering opportunity soon for placing wayfinding signage along the Creekwalk. Stay tuned for more details.
  • Sustain CNY Transportation and Land Use Committee – We kicked off the Transportation and Land Use Committee at the SustainCNY Coalition this month, a partnership between various organizations in Central New York. We’ll be focusing on delivering policy recommendations and mapped proposals for public transit, bike networks, walkability, street grids, zoning, land use, and development patterns. Please let us know if you’d like to join the team!

In addition to these project updates and events, we’d like to encourage you to support the Syracuse Cyclists Union by taking their survey at

If you’d like to join any of our projects, visit the project pages at or email

As always, you can reach us at


Baxter Hankin

President of the Syracuse Urbanism Collective