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May 2024 Meeting Summary

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Hi all,

Thanks for a great May meeting of the Syracuse Urbanism Club! We’re now at 199 registered members. Help us hit 200 by inviting your friends to join at!

The main focus of this meeting was a conversation with guests Thomas Bardenett & Meghan Vitale of the Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council about their Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Learn more and take the survey here:

If you are a project manager or have any updates for the next monthly newsletter, please send an update to Jaynelle Nixon at by June 1st.

We also shared some upcoming events, all also available on our website at

  • Saturday June 15, 10am-2pm: SWAG (Syracuse Women’s and Gender Nonconforming Peoples’) Bike Fest. Learn more at
  • Bike/Walk for the Brady Faith Center on Saturday June 1st. Learn more and register at 
  • Tree Walk with Clare Carney, Community Forester for the City of Syracuse. Tuesday, July 16 6:00 – 7:00pm. Meet at Columbus Circle

This month, we had plenty of exciting project updates!

  • The Creekwalk Wayfinding Project is moving forward, securing funding and discounts on supplies.
  • The M. Lemp Park Project is continuing to work with the city, and we’ll likely be hosting our first movie night in the park and implementing other temporary activations this summer! More details soon.
  • The Mini Meadows team has had a successful first Loguen Park cleanup event in preparation of planting meadows and flowers. We’re also looking into the possibility of public art for this park. More to be announced soon.
  • The Safe Bike / Pedestrian Infrastructure team is planning a media and outreach campaign to begin a public conversation on the benefits of protected bicycle infrastructure.
  • We are planning an urbanism conference this fall in collaboration with Hopeprint, PACNY, and possibly others. If you or your organization would like to be involved in some way, please let me know! More details to follow soon. The topic will be Smart Growth in CNY: Micron and Beyond.
  • Additionally, the city has invited us to take a spot on their Vision Zero plan committee. I’ll keep you all updated on our progress towards a future of zero traffic deaths. Please let us know if there’s anything you’d like us to discuss with the committee!

If you’d like to join any of these projects, visit the project pages at Each project page has instructions for how to reach out and get involved!

As always, you can reach us at


Baxter Hankin

Chair of the Syracuse Urbanism Club